
Corrupt-a-wish Game

You turned into the mothballed aircraft carrier but realising that was only half the wish, the wish giving ship cutter uppers painted you pink so they could finish their contract, then sold you to the Turks, for scrap.
I wish I could snap my fingers and sober up.
Granted (#329 : LeoHoward1 wishes he was really good at Volleyball).

Unfortunately, a tremendous psychological shock that you have suffered of when you were a young child (some speak of a too strict education around the cult of the Virgin Mary, and even of an apparition of the Virgin Mary herself) has completely put an end to your growth. Physically and cognitively speaking.
Nowadays, whereas you are of childbearing age, you are only 3'6 "(1 meter and 12 centimeters) tall, and you are very harmoniously proportioned. You live alone in a hobbit house, and still follow precepts of an other age.
You are indeed the best volleyball player of all time, but as you are too old to play with the youngest players (especially with girls, dressed so short, shamelessly sweating) and because a volleyball championship of dwarf players doesn't exist, you are a champ that never plays, and a champ who'll never have a crown.
A man that will never play.

angrymonkey wishes he could snap his fingers and sober up.
Wish granted.

You can now snap you fingers and sober up. Unfortunately you have to literally snap all of your fingers and since you are drunk you think it is a good idea and so you constantly are walking around with 8 broken fingers...

I wish that you'll never be alone...
well, looks like there is a free wish lying around *picks it up*

I wish i could eat everything i want and not get fat or poisoned by it.
Unfortunately you are trapped on a remote island where all you have to eat is your poop and pee.

I wish I could have two wishes per post, I wish I could have 4 wishes per post, I wish I could have 4 wishes per post, I wish I could have 4 wishes per post, I wish I could have 6 wishes per post I wish I could have 6 wishes per post (and so on).

You end up having thousands of whishes per post, which is wasteful as only a little one is enough. In addition to this, you can no longer choose which one of them you are going to write at the bottom of the form. You live the rest of your life as a broken wish-machine locked up in a loop.

I wish this was my last wish.
Granted, unfortunately, you know longer know what you want. You are wishless, directionless, hell you don't even wish for a toilet when your bladder is full and you end up constantly wetting yourself. Lacking even the basic wish mechanism for food and shelter, you end up as a rather dishshevelled bum on the streets.

I wish that I could stop procrastinating.

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