
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Ahhh! But I love winter and skiing as well!! :O

Wish granted.

You decide that you want to play video games and chess 24/7. You start to neglect eating and sleeping because you are so addicted to playing video games and chess. You eventually die.

Let me rephrase my wish earlier.^^

I wish it was either break or vacation right now.

Wish granted

It is now vacation period, but all your friends are either away or ignoring you, while you have almost nothing else to do. You eventually die out of boredom.

I wish the flat earth society would dissapear once and for all...(seriously, they're getting on my nerves sometimes)
Wish granted

The Flat Earth Society revises their theory, becoming the Dodecahedron Earth Society, asserting that the Earth is neither flat nor spherical, but a twelve-sided polyhedron. They have no backing for this claim and you are just as annoyed. Unfortunately for you, space stations have managed to capture images of the Earth from new angles, proving that this theory is indeed correct. A four-dimensional colossal space alien mistakes the Earth for a die and rolls it for damage in a cosmic game of Dungeons & Dragons. It critical hits all of the people on Earth, and wipes out life as we know it.

I wish everyone here but @Gaby_Groseille would put more effort into making funny wish corruptions instead of just giving abrupt boring replies and only focusing on their own wishes.

People begin making their answers longer and more complex, causing psychological torture to those inside the wish's story. The sentences of their replies gradually get longer and longer until they are so long you cannot even fathom how they reply so fast and you are unable to read them, for it would take hours. You kindly ask for a tl;dr but they don't include one, for they wish people to read their response. Eventually everyone gets so fed up with reading the wishes that nobody reads responses anymore and just makes wishes, until the thread closes and dies due to nobody liking it anymore. You kill yourself of depression because your favorite thread is gone.

I wish for
(Side note : Thank you very much @Asym, I take this for a compliment. Indeed i tried at least to be funny. I've just been trying to have fun, and to keep that thread alive. And nothing else.)

CobaltNinja wishes for
Wish not granted. (How else are we supposed to corrupt their wish when they didn't make one?? :O)

I wish I had superpowers.
You get invisibility. The catch is, you can't turn it off. You also cannot see, because light goes through your retinas. You stumble arround, blind, bumping into things. You eventually walk onto a freeway, where a driver kills you.
You got that from TED-Ed, right?

What's your wish?!!
Yup. :)


I wish that my computer could have a Nvida gpu.

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