
Now that Trump is gone, shamed, posibly indicted in the near future, who defends him?

You can't possibly believe that the US is the only place in the world concerned with internal US politics. The US is (currently) still a superpower (it won't be for long, if it keeps ripping itself apart with internal feuds). What the US does has effects and consequences around the globe. Even internal politics have a direct influence on US foreign policy and therefore many people all over the world keep track of what happens in the US.
"If you are an Mexican-based American citizen then keep reading." This sentence strikes me as particularly odd. Anyways.

You criticise that no evidence of Trump being a menace has been presented here. Well, you're right (if you are only referring to the original poster).

Then you go on talking about Biden and Harris, which is not really relevant to the question. The question posed was "Who is still willing to defend Trump?" You claim to answer it. Well, technically you did, because "I" is a valid answer to the question posed. But you didn't do it in your post, you didn't defend him. Or if you did (let's be charitable here), then only in a very minor way (casting doubt upon the proposition that he was a "menace" and referring to another poster's "good points", which according to you had not been addressed yet).
Going on about Biden's health or character does nothing to defend Trump (those are independent issues). For argument's sake Biden could be the worst person on the planet, it wouldn't change one iota about the things Trump did. I understand why you are tempted to fall into this seemingly solid way of arguing your point. And I don't think it to be malicious on your part. You are simply used to it, this particular tactic (Whataboutism) is universally used in the US's political discourse (and in many other places as well), by both political sides might I add.

It's (I think) one reason why you are talking past each other all the time. If you keep doing that, the divide in your society will only grow. Note that I'm not blaming dems or reps or you or your neighbour for talking past each other. I just want to call some attention to the fact that you are. One-upping each other with errors or bad things the other side did might be fun for a while, but it's not productive. I believe, if the US (and I'm not blaming or only talking about the US here, this applies to many democracies today, the US is just an example) doesn't fix its political climate and mode of public conversation, its democracy is severely threatened. Fixing it involves getting everybody to agree on a shared base reality. If you don't have that, you can't do anything.

You can't effectively argue about what ought to be (one of the pillars of democracy), if you don't even agree on what is.

You asked why Trump was a menace?
That's one of the many reasons I (and others) think he was one (or still is). This 45th president, historically a figure trusted by many, was the president who had the highest count of factually incorrect statements higher than any other politician. I'm not calling them lies to be as charitable as I can, but from a certain point onwards (for me: after 3 repetitions or after ignoring a fact-check) one cannot reasonably maintain that an incorrect claim is not intentional (i.e. a lie).

No other politician comes remotely close to Trump in this regard (see: This president lied about everything, from the most mundane and inconsequential to the most important and dangerous things. His belittling attitude towards the outbreak of the corona pandemic, his downplaying of its effects, this alone – to me – is very compelling evidence, that he was a menace. A danger for the public's health. By misinforming the American public from the very beginning, not listening to or publicly disagreeing with the very experts that are supposed to help him navigate the crisis, by constantly claiming that it will miraculously disappear on its own, that is isn't as bad as it looks, that the flu is comparable, by publicly suggesting that scientists should "look into" shining UV light into the human body or injecting bleach, etc., etc., etc. he exacerbated the spread of the virus in the USA. It shows. Under his administration no wave was broken. Country wide containment (even if only for some time) was never successful. The numbers kept going up and up and up. Only the very successful immunisation campaign finally managed to slow this pandemic down. You can argue about whether or not he personally deserves credits for this campaign, I actually don't know the details sufficiently, so (although my experience with Trump tells me he has done nothing for that personally and I very much suspect that all credit is due to the experts from the CDC etc. behind the scenes) I won't make a definite point about that here.

My point is: He flunked this pandemic. Like Bolsonaro. He horribly betrayed the public's trust. At a time where he should have been reassuring and uniting the nation, listening to experts and letting them speak, he once more decided to confuse and divide, to politicise wearing a mask in public, to send mixed signals, to be publicly in denial about the toll of his (in-)actions. And why? Because he can't see it in any other light than the only light he knows. The light of: Is it making me look good or is it making me look bad?
He's a narcissist through and through (there, I said it). It's not a bloated ego, it's nothing but an ego. In his mind he is flawless. And every time reality clashes with this flawed self-image, he has to go into denial. So if the infection rate is rising, that must mean that the evil people testing for SARS-Cov-2 must be out to get him. Out to make him look bad. It's not that bad. They only maliciously test to much to make him look bad. If they could just stop testing please. It will all go away. Lalalalala ...

This is such a small part of his presidency, but it clarifies all of his problems in the most poignant manner. In my mind, he is responsible for the deaths of tens or hundreds of thousands of people. And the permanent injury of hundreds of thousands (or maybe millions). And the traumata of countless selfless health care workers. Who (figuratively) break their backs (and their mental health) trying everything they can to save lives, that shouldn't have been endangered in the first place.

And by his actions, by his inactions, he shows he doesn't give a damn about any of them.
And that's why he is a menace.
All leftist politics are lies. All of them. From free lunch Economics, to institutional systemic racist sexist misandry being Affirmative.

Leftists fix everything. Propaganda, Conventions (HRC and Bernie remember short memory people), Quotas, Courts, Dossiers, Elections, whatever they can get their lying parasitic hands on.

Burn Loot Murder is a freaking menace, not the best economy.

A surgical mask doesn't work for biological agents period, proven PRIOR politics US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school.
Shutdowns don't work because of Opportunity Cost. Leftists don't understand Economics.
Low IQ he poorer outcomes.

To think different is a public menace
Funny how the Army has managed masks for over a year, and countries that implemented lockdowns, mandated masks, had strict quarantine procedures and strict contact tracing - like Taiwan, New Zealand, and Iceland - had very few deaths and limited infections.

You should provide sources, @Edgy1 , lest people think you're an uninformed ideologue spouting propaganda to score political points with nonsensical buzzwords strung together.
US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school
You shouldn't ask the same ignorant question over and over
Once Again the Army is controlled by Civilians.

This type of ignorance is seen by people who never served, are low IQ, and practice Cognitive Dissonance

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