
Now that Trump is gone, shamed, posibly indicted in the near future, who defends him?

Interesting to note, the same people who say walls don't work are the very same to put walls up, when they want to...
The main country killer is the North Korean president! very cruel!!!
Who defends him? Me. I put the "like" on Facebook to mr.Trump just after Jan.6, the called "insurrection day" (an insurrection made with cell phones and indian masks). What happened after Jan.6, the ban of mr.Trump from the main social networks, is the birthday of the new global fascism, and i will always fight fascism.
post 33 would you agree that steve bannon holds extreme far right views , ? of course you would he never hid that fact , now which us president allowed this unelected fascist supporter into the oval office ?
thatd be donald drumpf
Thought, Mr T. was swallowed up by the frog of time. fog.
Nevertheless history.
@SamuelCaplan According to your profile, you are Mexican. Why are you engaging in American politics? If you are an Mexican-based American citizen then keep reading. And as for defending Trump, I am. You call him a menace and give no evidence to support your claim. So do it. How, when, and where was he a menace? If you refer to the January 6th events, NO ONE is defending that. However, it was NOT as Joe Biden recklessly and absurdly claimed that the riots were the worst attack on our country since the Civil War. He must have had amnesia about let's see... Pearl Harbor? Maybe September 11th? Joe Biden has been in rapid mental decline, and is senile. Anyone who thinks that Kamala Harris is not pulling the strings is fooling themself. He has, in fact, called her "President Harris", among many other slips that show signs of mental health problems. Back to my point, please support your wild claims with some evidence. @Gambitzer has also made some excellent points, and you haven't attempted to reply.
Mexican or not, I am with SamuelCaplan.
It was a sigh of relief to hear in Europe when Mr T. left the White House.
show this forum to my friend and his family. he'll probably be hunting you... BEWARE
the people who got paid mad bucks by trump will defend him.

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