
Search "user:Shainks"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What chess books would you recommend for middlegame?#1

I'm trying to get better at middlegames, exploiting weaknesses, and creating an attack.

General Chess Discussion - Which opening do you like the most?#7

@Muzan08 said in #6: > Seems nice how does it go Starts with 1. e4 g6, played as black

General Chess Discussion - Which opening do you like the most?#2

Evans Gambit

General Chess Discussion - How do I get past the 1700s?#1

I've been progressing in rapid, but I've gotten stuck in the 1700s, what should I do to get unstuck? I've tried learning more openings and doing more puzzles, but nothing has been changing.

General Chess Discussion - Considering abandoning my planned new white repertoire to avoid the French!#18

You could try the orthoschapp gambit. I haven't played it myself, but it looks very fun when I watch people play it.
