
How do I get past the 1700s?

I've been progressing in rapid, but I've gotten stuck in the 1700s, what should I do to get unstuck? I've tried learning more openings and doing more puzzles, but nothing has been changing.
Simply put.. you have to win more often against your peers. Use a database like: to put your games in an order you can understand, and then go through them, one by one learning how to beat the opponent you were facing. The low hanging fruit for you is 1.e4 e5 as white - since your score is not good and it is the most popular played against you.
Use your chess insights and the ... web dashboard for your weaknesses.

Do you have an initial plan for your pawns? If so, then repeat the plan for months until your opening repertoire reflects that.
Without a specialized initial plan, you cannot truly build something great.

Without a plan you can only become a good club player, not an expert or a master.

I looked at my dashboard and discovered sacrifices was my weakness. So I'm doing sacrifice tactics until I master them.
Hi @Shainks , imho what I already wrote in another thread also seems to apply to your game.

In addition to that (I only looked at your blitz and rapid games - no bullet of course) you almost always "suddenly blunder" but still having most of your time on the clock left. So, besides of tactical training it may help to take yourselfes more time to calculate before moving - especially in tactical/confronting positions. Maybe solving composed positions/studies, where you have to take your time and calculate a lot of variations, may help you to get more "realistic" confidence in in those critical positions/situations...

Have fun on your lifelong chess journey!
More than 1700? You need to study endgames 2 hours a day, tactics 3 hours a day, studying books like "My memorable 60 games" 2 hours a day and analysing your games 1 hour a day. In 1 year you have a chance to unstuck the 1700 rating.
> How do I get past the 1700s?

Find your current weakness, repair it and play vs stronger opponents in order to see which other weakness do you have currently and repair these ones also then.

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