
Considering abandoning my planned new white repertoire to avoid the French!

Just learn the french whatever that is idk what the strategy for openings or the lines...
There are a number of "anti-French" openings to explore. I play the "Reti-Spielmann Attack" against the French. - :]
1.- e4-e6 2.- Nf3-d5 3.- e5-c5 4.- b4-cxb4 5.- a3.....

It gets wild and fun.
I'm also an inveterate hater of the French Defense. The center is one big blockade, white runs as fast as he can on the king side and black runs as fast as he can on the queen side. The plans are just too static for my taste. I'd rather play into absolute madness like the Grünfeld where there's tons of piece play and total asymmetry. Openings where the pawn breaks are predictable and pieces have little scope bore the hell out of me.
Blah blah blah...................only joking no need for a thumbs down
I don't find the french to be boring. You could obtain insane attacking position on the king with the advance french. If black plays correctly, he would know that a super closed position in advance french with his king on the king side usually means devastation for black.

I play d4 openings as white because they are so easy to play and at a low level (as I am currently on in terms of my blitz), my opponents don't know what they are doing, and they don't play the critical main lines. So, I can easily get a better postion with a lot of positional pluses that would ultimately leads to an attack or just a winning endgame. I feel like d4 openings are great to play and easy to play if you know a few lines and watch some grandmaster games.
You could try the orthoschapp gambit. I haven't played it myself, but it looks very fun when I watch people play it.
To be honest, I don't understand your rationale why you want to abandon your entire opening (i.e. 1.e4 based on one defense from black that amounts to 10% of your game), you can learn to play against such opening, and it would take less time and energy than to switch to an entire new rep.

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