
Karjakin leads

@GM Zahier #20, i have read you post and appreciate it.

I want to clarify a few things:

* It is not relevant if the idea a player shows in a game wins that game. It is enough if he resists with black. Like Kramnik did with the Berlin endgame against Kaspy.

* YES, Karjakin is a great chess player. But Carlsen is better.

* i did nowhere in #6 #9 #18 say, that "A player with less than 2600+ will draw easily against Karjakin". Reread my posts. Remember, you said: "We have to be objectives after all." This is also true for you, GM Zahier. Stick to your own Mantra.

* When i relativize my own statement, as i did in #18, the original statement becomes irrelevant as well as any later critic of the original statement becomes. Move on.

* i am not "the masses", i am not "the nowadays chess amateurish followers" and similar concepts in your mind. You can be that if you want. But I am HERE and i stay HERE.

* 'Lichess Master' is an honourful title, given by Thibault. if you dont accept that, go away.
I'd have to agree with SelfmateMan. There's no logical point in mocking the "Lichess Master" title, especially as OhNoMyPants didn't even mention it in his/her post. As well, I don't think he/she had any trace of ethnocentrism in his/her argument, either.

On the other hand, I disagree with OhNoMyPants that Karjakin's method should be discouraged or frowned upon (actually, we can't assume he's just going for draws; it's possible that their playing styles just happened to clash like this). Even if Karjakin was really going for draw after draw, I don't think that means he's playing chess incorrectly. The WCC is, at its core, trying to find out who the best chess player in the world is, not trying to entertain the audience; and if the best chess player likes to go for draws, we can't throw up our hands and say "that's not acceptable". The WCC is played by humans only, after all, and nerves and psychology are an integral part of human-only chess. If you can't hold up under the frustration of 6 draws in a row when your opponent can, I'd say that you're a worse chess player than your opponent in that regard. All else being equal, the player that can hold him/herself together the best is the better chess player, and thus should be given the title of World Chess Champion. If that means Karjakin will be the champion, so be it.
I haven't been following the games live, but after watching a few of the press conference videos, I can't say I'm enjoying Magnus' personality. Seems like he needs a good dose of humility. I also feel bad for Karjakin's & his speech will be rough for him if he becomes the world champion with all the interviews, etc.
@Zahier Not that I think an appeal to authority (... or ad hominem) is ever good, it has to be said that similar sentiment, though far more tactfully than I have phrased it, has been expounded by some of the world's best players. Svidler, Ponomariov, Caruana for instance. Read or listen to their annotations to the games and all have commented on Karjakin's surprising lack of fight and draw seeking in various ways.

Or compare Karjakin's play in this match to his play during the candidates or especially some of his biggest accomplishments like Norway 2014. In this match he is actively avoiding confrontation and seeking symmetrical pawn structures and exchanges at every opportunity. This is obviously not his style or he would not be 2770. Most people would be happy to draw Karjakin and move onto their next game.

Yet Carlsen is not most people and his ambassadorship and fighting spirit in the game certainly played no small part in the emergence of major events like Sinquefield and Norway Chess while in previous years tournaments that had run for decades like Linares were being forced to shut down due to lack of moneyed interest in chess. That Karjakin is now angling against this ambassadorship and fighting spirit to give himself a sort of metagame advantage? If it's not explicitly against the rules than he is free to do so and from an objective point of view it's obviously an effective match strategy, but I am equally free to consider it something less than savory.
@ # 26

"...Magnus acts like 'a pussy'...But i forgive him...Magnus will apologize..."

You are aware that you are a major candidate for the "Don Trump Award 2016" for this statement ;-)

Best regards, Karl

Why this? others said this, not me. See the comments on that yotube video i posted. And its not Trump style to forgive, its Buddha style :-)
"...others said this, not me..." IS Trump style ;-)

But as always: Please don't take it too serious...

Regards, Karl

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