
Request for Lichess Feature: Webcam Integration for Physical Chess

I propose a new feature that utilizes webcam technology to enhance the Lichess experience for players who prefer physical chessboards. This feature would:

Capture chessboard movements via webcam: The webcam would track the chessboard and identify the movement of pieces.
Automatically translate moves to Lichess notation: The AI would translate the physical moves into standard Lichess notation, reflecting them on the online board.
This innovation would offer several advantages:

Physical board preference: Players who enjoy the tactile experience of a physical board can now seamlessly integrate their games with Lichess.
Game recording: The captured moves can be automatically recorded on Lichess, allowing players to easily review and analyze their games later.
Community and features: This feature bridges the gap between physical and online chess. Users can leverage Lichess' analysis tools, puzzles, and vibrant community while playing on a physical board.
Accessibility: This technology could benefit players with disabilities by offering an alternative input method beyond mouse or keyboard.
Learning aid: Beginners can use this feature to learn chess notation by observing how their physical moves translate into the Lichess board.
By implementing this webcam integration, Lichess can cater to a wider audience and enhance the overall chess experience for its users.