
Everything you want to know about Lichess v2

@all WinXP is an outdated OS without any support. Get rid of it, it's not save. If you don't want to change to Windows 10 or you can't effort it consider to use Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution that fits your needs. Just make sure that it's up to date and still supported.
The new design seems to optimized for small screens. It's bleeding annoying to when playing on a big screen to have everything taking upp the entire screen
@thibault I know you mentioned the hamburger menu is gone at the top of the screen, but I noticed that the screen is not there either (hitting ESC does nothing). I get that it's gone, but I did find it handy to simply hit ESC to see my ratings quickly.

P.S. The new site is looking great.
See KingDeathGR's screenshots!

Wow! This looks nothing like what I see on FireFox!

Wood paneling?? Mine looks like the old Lichess,
only without any 2-D boards.

3-D barely works, if you resize it exactly (and at the beginning of
every game!), and don't mind the flickering between piece sets.

I realize now that they did not bother to accommodate my old
Firefox browser, AT ALL.

IF I had time to write a Lichess browser app you could download,
and run anywhere, I would. But I don't.

Maybe I will do a bare-bones one, if enough members
are interested?

Someone has fixed the 2-D boards for Firefox on Windows Vista!

Still no wood panels, and now home screen is too fat to fit, but hey,
who cares?


For FireFox 52.9.0 (32-bit), on the 2-D boards,
for a tornament game the user is playing, there is no

1) Clocks or time remaining showing
2) Who made the last move showing
3) Button to return to the tournament
4) Optional move list

Please restore!

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