
The devolution of blitz chess.

Often when I log in here I click the "Watch" button to see who's playing and what they're playing. It's disgusting to me that the majority of games of top players are bullet/hyperbullet games. Why would the game's best players play a form of chess so shallow that even GMs drop pieces like total patzers? It mystifies me that masters enjoy this. I'm an older guy (age 68) and I remember when blitz was all 5|0 and even 3|0 wasn't seen much less bullet. Don't masters venerate the game of chess? If they do, why would they enjoy forms of the game that are strategically bankrupt? I'll never understand it and I doubt I ever will.
I was 100% sure this would be a Sargon thread.

Well, to answer your thread, fast chess is the only real chess. If you need 2 hours to come up with good moves it means you don’t know the subject well enough. Like Einstein said “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough”, chess is pattern recognition, you either know what to do or you don’t.

Ok, now that I made several people foam at the mouth, the real answer is that the world is speeding up, everything is done faster and worse now. It used to take decades to age the wood to make a good door or a gate or a musical instrument, now it’s mass produced in China in 20 minutes. And quality is garbage. or look at modern cars, plastic one piece garbage all of them, they even all look and drive alike, no power, small pathetic narrow seats, stiff noisy cheap suspension, everything breaks all the time, in contrast look how they made Mercedes in 1990s, those were tanks. Now Mercedes is just quickly made plastic garbage. Chess reflects our world.

Playing superficially and fast might be successful but bad chess is bad chess. I prefer the real meat otb where there is no such time & mouse trickery. is the best blitz site for GMs (I know, I hate it too). They have sponsorship money which leads to a better player pool and better tournaments.
But lichess is the best bullet site. Very good connectivity and very good user interface. Most of all, lichess has no 0.1 second penalty per move, which has. That penalty is very important in bullet. That's why you see Magnus play bullet over here I think.
The best players do not like losing.
At bullet the odds of engine cheating are smaller and the odds of catching these are greater.
Well, 5+0 is "strategically bankrupt" in comparison to classical chess. People play online chess to have fun, and maybe faster time controls aren't for you, but I don't think you need to find it "disgusting" that other players disagree. Top GMs spend plenty of serious effort studying the game for actual tournaments, and is it really anyone's loss that they blow off some steam in online games?
See people play futsal the smaller and faster form of football. These are just different forms of the same game.Some forms are faster some are slower. People enjoy playing different paced forms of the same games.

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