
The devolution of blitz chess.

I don't play bullet and I don't watch others play it so I didn't need to be told that as if I'm a recalcitrant teenager. Premove is everywhere and it's stupid. Human reaction time is such that in OTB play you can only make about 2 moves in a second ... max. Online chess site clocks should take that reaction time into account. It's crazy to see people able to make 15 moves in one second and it really isn't fair from a biological perspective.

The draw rate is 53% and I don't mean to seem picky but that 3% counts. Chess is unique (in a bad way) in that respect because in Go, Backgammon, and virtually all other board/card games (doesn't matter if it's Monopoly or Cribbage) the game cannot be drawn. And that 53% draw rate is just 2600+ players. In super-GM (2700+) tourneys it's usually about two-thirds.

But my beef with bullet and hyper-bullet is that they represent a collusion between two players to play the form of chess where the dumbest mistakes occur. I believe that a true love of chess means loving its DEEPEST forms, and NOT its shallowest. I think most bullet players are like Red Bull addicts i.e., they're just addicted to the hormonal rush of extreme speed. I'll never play nor will I watch it.

At least GMs can make a reasonable game of bullet. What's far more of a mystery to me is why so many class players indulge in such shenanigans. Perhaps they reason that thinking isn't necessarily helping them too much.

And OP, many have decried blitz in general over the years. Now I discover from you that there's golden-age blitz and modern lame blitz! :D
As mentioned above there is superficial play. Imagine there is a Knight on the board - how can you premove intelligently? You can just make safety moves because of forks. I think a lot of quality is gone in short time controls and heroic defences or attacks like this endgame are simply not possible. You cannot premove such endgames but instead make some safety moves and wait for blunders or flag fall.

This is sportive and legit (and fun!) but chess quality has gone definitely.

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