
My forum question deleted?

Then if the account causes any trouble, it will be marked. And it it was already marked, the mark stays.
@Doofenshmirtz yes i am not able to report the user .... i prepared whole report, and added user name, but lichess says, this account do not exist ...... your help will greatly be appreciated
An unusual problem. I would say just copypaste and add the name of whomever is to be reported instead of xxxx. Works on closed accounts as well. However if its something you want to prove to the public, then I have bad news for you. A closed account will not display the cheater tag.
@Morozov .... Thanks, i reported him now with his ID instead of xxxx ..... i dont want cheater tag on close account, but at least i should know that he cheated, inform of a message from lichess, so that his cash prize can be given to someone who deserve.
@fourthfilefourthrank "Then if the account causes any trouble, it will be marked. And it it was already marked, the mark stays"

Yes, but the account has already caused trouble and you want to report it but you can't because it's closed..... you see the problem, yes?
Yeah, but the mods are already dealing with tons of active troublemakers. If a troll quit, would the mods want to waste time on people that are not actively harming the site? Lichess doesn't try to do social justice, they try to protect the integrity of the site. If the account made a bad forum post, the post will likely be removed and the account banned. If they cheated, they might be marked, but mostly the mods focus on active troublemakers.
my question got deleted as well by some stupid moroic forum moderator
ultimately it is the fault of whoever paid out the cash prize for giving it to some unverfied account. Aside from that I don't think there is such a thing as verifying a specific cheat accusation.

if you care for my opinion PM me the tourney link.
I reported the account 2 days back, but no response from lichess .... or response not possible.
@Morozov Yes i am sending you the link in PM
is here any lichess moderator, i can send details of player and his games in private message.... any help will greatly be appreciated.

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