
New variants!! More fun!!

yes 960 crazy would be great. When is it coming?
Way way way back before internet chess, we used to play "Super Queen Chess" Its a standard game, but the Queen can also move like a knight. It adds a whole new dimension to the game.
shame on you guys fooling around with variants... it's like cheating on your wife!
May Caissa forgive you.
"He taught the rules that guide the pensive game, And called it Caissa from the dryad's name: Whence Albion's sons, who most its praise confess Approved the the play, and nam'd it thoughtful chess....Sir William Jones [1746-1794]... All Hail Lord Euphron Inventor of chess. Maybe if we give credit where credit is due... all shall be forgiven.
Why do you people insist on bumping two-year-old threads?

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