
Black Lives Matter

Sometimes I wonder whether anyone reads the blog post.

"We understand that this is a very small action but hope that these small actions, together with the larger and more direct international actions, will start to instigate the real changes that are necessary for a just and equal world to exist."
@Hierophantc4 He wasn't innocent, I repeat. You are lying. And you are also trying to forcibly make it a race thing when I said he was only a criminal. I am not justyfing the actions by the police, I am pointing out that you are referring to a criminal as an "innocent man", which is blatantly dishonest. What is up with my name by the way? If you care to explain
@leapingjump he was not only on drugs but he was a convicted criminal (armed robbery). Doesn't make right what they did to him ofc- still, it wasn't racism either.
#947 It's your word against the professional's:

"That is both a misunderstanding of the report and an example of the difficulty in identifying cause of death, experts said. It’s a misunderstanding because an earlier legal document, put out to explain the charges against the officer who kneeled on Floyd, said the county had found no injuries consistent with asphyxia caused by physical trauma. But the actual autopsy report doesn’t mention the word “asphyxia” at all. It does, however, describe “neck compression” as a direct cause of Floyd’s death — meaning the blood flow (and, thus, oxygen) to Floyd’s brain and heart were cut off. It doesn’t take physical trauma to asphyxiate someone."

You're literally just making things up and manufacturing completely unsupported conjecture to cling to your desperate notion that the police didn't execute an innocent black man in the street. "Well, no credible reports of drug use or possession have been made BUT I THINK HE HAD DRUGS. He might have been proven innocent of the charge of writing a bad check but he did something else! It's not racism! It can't be racism!"

How are you so good at deluding yourself and doing everything you can to escape the facts and to avoid self-examination? What inspires this abject horror you feel at the idea of self-examination? Why are you so uncomfortable with the fact that racism exists and why are you afraid of discomfort? How do you avoid asking yourself these questions?

Where did I say something like that? Can you even try to make an argument, which is based on something I said, instead of something you just made up?

Of course someone being on drugs doesn't mean he can should be killed. But it's major argument against the argument that Floyd was innocent. He simply wasn't he was breaking the law and arrest was the right thing to do. It's not like they would have done this to you when you are just walking on the street. That's a huge difference.

Also it's proved that person on drugs may be highly resistant to pain and therefore police must use much more force to make them stay on the ground. That may have had something to do with the fact that police forced Floyd to the ground like that.
@sosumisai "Please, feel free to name the sources you use that lead you to the conclusion that there is no police brutality and that there is no systemic problems with the police." I assume that you are referring to this? You said "you think selectively cherry picking just the minority incidents you want to see (type A) while ignoring the MAJORITY of similar incidents you don't want to see (types B C, D, etc.) is all the proof you need to declare Type A to be the typical norm" which to me implied that there are incidences of police brutality but it's only a small minority and that there isn't a general problem because the majority of cases are something else. Please correct me if that's a wrong interpretation of that sentence.
Also: I'm still wondering about this: Why did you invoke the term "Untermenschen"? Is this the laziest attempt ever to make a "Haha, he is german, so he must be a nazi" 'argument'?
#954 "Also it's proved that person on drugs may be highly resistant to pain and therefore police must use much more force to make them stay on the ground."

These are the drugs in question:
"The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause."

I think the first report said that drugs was a partial reason. The later report (ordered by Floyd's relatives) said that the reason was only police brutality. Professionals are not completely agreeing, so you saying that it's some random lichess member against professionals, is completely false argument.

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