
Black Lives Matter

18 people killed in Chicago last night.

Not by white cops :)

"On Lichess, you *must* be nice when communicating with other players. At all times.
Lichess is intended to be a fun and friendly environment for everyone. Please note that repeated violation of chat policy will result in loss of chat privileges."

Yeah, because everyone knows that curse words are psychically harmful and free speech is situational. And thank god I still have those white privileges left after getting rid of my right to express my opinion; those privileges seems to never go away from us white people, even if we are homeless meth addicts. Apparently we must always apologize after have stated an opinion from now on.

Note to Moderator. I wasn't even addressing anyone specifically. Learn how to moderate fair and objectivly. If you going to warn us, at least use the correct wording.

If you are so worried about the friendly environment, maybe you shouldn't start posting about stuff that are this serious in the first place? What I'm worried about the most is that soon you will not have a place to openly discuss things anymore, not that some perceived racism against black people will linger on.
@Chillkroete77 Blacks commit more crimes, of course, they are gonna be more represented. That's not even an opinion I jump to lightly or to say maliciously I'd rather it not be the case but that's what's going on.

I think that has more to do with the welfare state and lack of a father figure than it has to to with Systemic racism which is more what BLM is about. I don't believe that actually exists. There are more institutions that help the Black Community than there is any illusory form that keeps them down.

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

That's a whole other can of worms, to be honest. I actually like to help my community in my own way. It distracts from the issue at focus right now. (that's why I really don't like BLM as an organization personally)

I'd prefer to get some mission statement of clear cut demands with petitions going for local, state, and national legislators going.

I know people believe in swift action through violence (not conflating the peaceful protestors btw)... but you don't make any friends by the sword, the pen is mightier indeed. My Grandfather always said Haste makes Waste. Long as we are clear cut and united together we can be heard and we can overcome. We Don't Divide, We conquer.

All it requires is persistence. It might be a foolish dream but I can't be the only one.
MLK did peaceful protests and you can’t change that fact. The people today try and hold the violence against blacks in the 60s against every white person and it pisses me off. I wasn’t born in that time so don’t go and tell me I have privilege because of something that happened 75 years ago.

I can’t even go on social media without being attacked for being white and with an opinion different from them, that’s why I have no social media accounts. Again there is no racism detector how do we know the murder of George Floyd was racially motivated. So many white people get killed by police as well. Some in similar brutal ways like George Floyd. I don’t see any protests for those incidents hell they don’t even get news coverage because no one f*cking gives a sh*t.
If you look at the statistics more white people get killed each year then black people by a landslide of course no news outlet will ever talk about that because of their agenda.
@SlicingBishop2006 There's actually a bunch of examples you can search it online.

But that's beside the point. George Floyd could have been any person on the street. Isn't it more important to focus on the result of his death rather than the color of someone's skin?


This thread was locked while I was gathering this information. This Thread, in my opinion, should have been locked day 1 page 1.

So I'll walk through the information Johnluke was unable to provide for all comers who happen to check the second to last page.


First Article is from the Washington post this is just a live count number of the peoples killed by police. This metric can be broken down by race and will show Whites killed more than Blacks.

Blacks are 13% of the total population so one would believe their deaths are overrepresented. However, These two articles here from the Bureau of Justice (most recent data from 2008) (most recent data from 2011)

It would infer that Blacks take up half or sometimes the majority of Violent crimes which would directly put them in conflict with police.

There's a study from Washington University that concludes there isn't a racial bias of police officers when drawing a weapon on civilians what the study does include is that Police are more likely to draw a weapon on a white person than a black person.

Probably because in a world of supposed "Systemic Racism" when a Black person is killed by a police officer it's frontline national news, we get to learn the names and know the families of these people. Then Justice is rightfully served. There are literal riots in the streets for "justice" That wouldn't happen if the United States was Systemically Racist.

In cases like ones involving Freddy Grey in Baltimore, you have black leadership in the city council, a black attorney general, Police Chief, and Command that are black. A Majority Black Police Command staff. Black Mayor. Majority Black population.... But Freddy Grey's death was condemned as systemically racist despite a "system" composed of majority Black.

If you want to talk about systems in place to keep the black community down, Blacks in terms of educational opportunity with lower GPA and SAT scores can go to Colleges that Whites and Asians have to score higher for. This gives Black individuals an opening for better education and a gateway to the middle class. If you want to talk about abject poverty more grants exist for poor inner-city children are directed towards Black youths than any other race.

Does America sound like a nation that is in this present time trying to keep Blacks down?

I honestly couldn't care either way about Race either way but these are the facts. People good well-meaning people get duped and sensationalized by phony slogans and false narratives. Want a false narrative look no further than Micheal Brown case in Ferguson that had a false testimony from witnesses until the truth came forward that the Police Officer involved acted within the accordance of Deadly Force.

All this I would leave behind and not rather think about... because I desire change and a better police force.

What left, right and center can agree on is that George Floyd in spite of his Checkered past was murdered and it was wrong.

What left, right, and center can agree on is that Police Reform must be taken place to avoid these incidents from occurring.. For all citizens.

What we don't need is to muddle the Action we can take with stupid politics involving race or anarchy. I don't like bringing this stuff up. Situations like these for lofty organizations like BLM only serve to inflame instead of bringing people together for a good cause.

We all want to make the right changes... When We Don't Divide, We Conquer.

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