
Search "user:Romagna"

4 forum posts
Lichess Beta Testers - Mobile App Alpha#4

Hi, both After some puzzles and in the analysis board view It seems that the swipe gesture from right side of the screen (go back) Is not working Android Asus phone

Lichess Feedback - 429 response --> wait --> ban anyway#3

Done, waiting for answers. Thank you ;)

Lichess Feedback - 429 response --> wait --> ban anyway#1

I'm building a python project to inspect the lichess db tree and I'm doing several requests to the lichess api. I understand that if i get a 429 answer I have to wait for 1 minute (at least) as stated…

Community Blog Discussions - Heart Rate Variability for chess players#2

That's an interesting topic. I already thought about it that it would be interesting but I never figured out how to get around the problem of electronic devices being banned during tournaments. I'd li…
