
Search "user:HowDoIChess96"

38 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How do decline a rematch offer?#2

You can just leave the game, it'll automatically be considered as a decline

Game analysis - Scandinavian: What do you think about 7.Bf7+!? #2

I think stockfish sees Bxf7+ because of the mistake 6..Bf5 so by playing Bxf7+ you put the Black king in a bad spot (positional advantage) and still regain material because of the pinned Bishop.

General Chess Discussion - Study endgames or openings first?#19

@lovlas My System discusses a wide range of topics such as positional play (prophylaxis), end game maneuvers, essential ideas in the opening, etc. It inspired a generation of players, including grandm…

General Chess Discussion - Study endgames or openings first?#12

My suggestion is reading Aron Nimzowitsch's My System.

General Chess Discussion - How did you pick your lichess username?#6

When I created this account I was a complete noob. Was born in 96.

Game analysis - Most amount of mistakes I've ever seen from Stockfish 6#1

Here's the link to the game I just had versus Stockfish 6 (I play white): I've played a lot of games against Stockfish 6, most of them I lost due to Stockfish 6's s…

Game analysis - Playing slowly and suffer the pressure#2

At move 11 I think Black should exchange the bishop and castle right after. He's losing space and exchanging pieces would alleviate the pressure + solve some space problem.

Game analysis - People playing with queen#3

Generally the queen shouldn't find anything in your backline unless you carelessly overextended and pieces are not defending each other behind your pawn chain. My advice is to avoid this by develop an…

General Chess Discussion - chess energy for you!?#13

Whoever pm'd you this is a total dick. Ignore him. He's trying to lecture you on Lichess because in real life he's a nobody.

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez Question#8

If you really want to learn an opening, I suggest finding a good book on it and use Lichess' analysis board tool. In reality, your opponent can play any kind of opening he wants against 1.e4 such as t…
