
amazed that I am stronger than Stockfish :D

Played absolutely frivolous, nevertheless managed to win, thanks to an opponent's mistake. However, it was surprising that
Stockfish didn't see the move I made 26. Bf6 leading to checkmate. Why?
The position before Bf6 is a nice puzzle: white to play and mate in 4. The solution: Be2 b6 (random move) Bh5 f4 Qg8+ Nxg8 Bg6#
Other lines, like Bf6, are only a tad slower.
24 ply is a few seconds on my computer. Within about 5 seconds, Stockfish sees Bf6, and a couple seconds later, it sees Be2, which is mate one move faster. Lc0 picks up on Bf6 and Be2 almost instantaneously but it doesn't view Be2 as a faster mate immediately.

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