
Let's make up stories

et's say about little red riding hood that she had a tank with which she strangled a wolf and a hunter at the same time
@LordSupremeChess said in #3:
> Then, John Wick enters the scenery.

but it's a mistake, it was John Wayne (not John Wick) who was on the script, and he said: it's not a wolf, it's a lying, dog-faced pony soldier! let's save capitalism first and not Red Riding Hood!
Man once you bring in John Wick.
The only thing left to say
Is " The End"
But the ending was false and a dog came onto the stage and beat Paul Morphy
suddenly the biggest thunderstorm in history starts ,like thats not enuff the sun blows up,the moon tears into pieces,planets travell towards the sun,the sun swallows them,nothing left in the universe but a couple galaxys,no more chess,no more sex,nothing good left,Years pass and on a sunny summers day i start my opening with d4 unlike e4 i played all those years,i discover the london stystem and i have mixed feelings abaut that opening,checkmate in move 22,i win and become the world chess champion forever

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