
Suggestion for new game

I have a new game for lichess. These are the rules:

1. Capturing pieces is not legal.

2. Checkmate is only possible if your opponent cannot block or escape from check.

3. All other standard chess rules apply.

Thank you.

Elie Milikow
that's interesting. but how do you beat a castled king? i wanna see some sample games :p
Lightsss is correct a castled king would be too powerfull
If I understand correctly capturing pieces is not legal, not capturing pawns...
Actually... I and my friend once came up with this variation, with a special rule that when none of your pawns can move, you are allowed to capture (only for that move). This made the game a lot of fun, because of strategical pawn pushes. However, I think it's still too drawish for high-level play.

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