
Where to attack?

You can read a very old book called Judgement & Planning in Chess by M Euwe a former World Chess Champion to help you with THIS SPECIFIC Question , You are under 1500 right NOW so this book is ok . Then you can read Logical Chess Move by Move by Chernev & Watch u tube videos on chess . This book is free on the internet pdf download
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Before you think about where to attack - learn to deleop your pieces in a propper manner. And then attack only those spots on the board where your pieces can get to. An attack with no or few pieces is no attack really and often looses without any effort from your opponent.
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You attack where your opponent is the weakest. In a perfectly balanced game you must create the imbalance to win.
It depends on the position , Suppose the king is queenside you have to attack the queenside . But don't start the attack with 1 or 2 pieces it will be premature attack . Try to develop and coordinate this is the right way to do . @ThunderClap idea of "Judgement and planning in chess" is also good .
If you really @WassimBerbar said in #1:
> It's just a random question asked a million times but I just wanna refresh my mind lol.
> Which side to attack?

You wouldn't have asked this if you knew how to play chess. R.I.P Brain cell [Died due to this question]

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