
refund of rating

After playing and losing against ivano1472, I correctly marked him as a cheater (he got banned). My classical rating however didn't change, also I didn't receive the notification "you lost to a cheater"(instead i got 2x "thanks for reporting").
the game:
I looked at the moderation history of your opponent, and what I see is that he got marked, very quickly unmarked and then quickly marked again. (This is something that can happen if the marking moderator isn't entirely sure about it anymore, unmarks, takes another look and then decides to mark again.)

When the refund code is triggered, it checks that the user has no "un-mark" history. This makes sense because in the case of an un-mark and a re-mark later, double refunds should not happen so this system prevents that.

However, in this case, there was no 'first' refund either. The reason is that the refund is only given a minute after the engine mark in case the marking moderator changes their mind, so in this case, the un-mark was applied within this one minute.

The combination of these two systems is the cause that you did not get your refund.
Since it's possible to un-mark players, is it possible for refunds to get un-refunded?
I am not a moderator and believe it or not, I don't know everything.
I don't know whether it would be technically possible or not, but at this moment it doesn't happen.

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