
Why didn't the site let me make h8-h4?

The rooks cannot jump over other pieces. They move horizontally or vertically, but only on files that are unoccupied. (Or if they are occupied by an enemy piece, the rook may take the first piece that's blocking the way)
@karlabos said in #2:
> Грачи не могут перепрыгивать через другие части. Они перемещаются горизонтально или вертикально, но только на незанятых файлах. (Или, если они заняты вражеской фигурой, ладья может взять первую фигуру, которая преграждает путь)

I can't move the rook h8 further than h5?
@karlabos said in #2:
> The rooks cannot jump over other pieces. They move horizontally or vertically, but only on files that are unoccupied. (Or if they are occupied by an enemy piece, the rook may take the first piece that's blocking the way)

He means the other rook, the h one.

I don't see any apparent reason, so I'll let someone more expert talk.
Oh, yea. Apparenly I can't read. Yea. Should be able to. Maybe a mouse problem?
@karlabos said in #5:
> Oh, yea. Apparenly I can't read. Yea. Should be able to. Maybe a mouse problem?

The site allowed actions with any other pieces except the rook, of course: I have not yet seen a single admin who will say that the site is to blame, of course my mouse is to blame :) I understood everything - a site bug. Thank you for your attention.
Maybe there was an invisible blocker. There is a rare bug where pieces vanish optically. This could be checked easily with a match link.
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