
Search "user:jupiter4100"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Advanced search change ?#9

The feature is still working weirdly for me. When I filter games that I won, for example, it still shows some games I lost. Also some of the games appear more than once.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: organizing studies in folders#1

I think it would be pretty neat if we could organize studies in folders. Organizing related things in chapters within the same study is enough for most things, but when working with, let's say, openin…

Lichess Feedback - New players should have a trial period of inidvidual games (no major tournament entrry allowed)#56

The fact that there's no money involved doesn't matter - we invest time and effort into playing, and having a cheater ruin a tournament experience is significant, especially if it happens regularly. A…
