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General Chess Discussion - Some personal chess ideas I learned progressing from 1500 to 1900#9

@jonesmh Thanks for your post. I just found out about the strength of the BDG. Seems like an interesting gambit to play! What are your thoughts on the Trompovsky? Safe to say we already know @OswaldS'…

General Chess Discussion - Some personal chess ideas I learned progressing from 1500 to 1900#8

Also, at GM level, the Nimzo is considered as solid as solid gets. So much so that so many people started playing 3.Nf3 to avoid the Nimzo

General Chess Discussion - Some personal chess ideas I learned progressing from 1500 to 1900#6

@OswaldS You seem to be skewers towards your bishops over knights. Different players have different perspectives. I hear Anand prefers his knights over bishops! Also, as someone who used to play the N…

General Chess Discussion - Some personal chess ideas I learned progressing from 1500 to 1900#4

@chessypiano Two bishops are definitely better than two knights. However, 2 bishops aren't always better than a bishop and a knight.
