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8 forum posts
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Off-Topic Discussion - Any cubers here?#45

@chessmaster512 UK. my next competition is the 2019 uk championship

Off-Topic Discussion - Any cubers here?#43

@chessmaster512 not too often, maybe 3 competitions a year. I went to the world championship in australia a few months ago which was fun. my next competition is 3 weeks from now

Off-Topic Discussion - Any cubers here?#40

@chessmaster512 1057th right now, out of about 132000

Off-Topic Discussion - Any cubers here?#37

yes. 9.39 official 3x3 average

Lichess Feedback - Engines are different when using analysis board vs study board#1

On the analysis board, the engine runs in WASMX, and I have an option to select the number of CPUs and amount of memory for it to use. But on the study board, it runs in WASM and the CPU and memory op…

Lichess Feedback - [Bot API] How to detect when a game finishes?#4

Thanks @thibault. I'm not using the official python bot program but checking for the end of the stream is all I needed. However, this doesn't seem to happen when a game is started and then aborted bef…

Lichess Feedback - Broken crazyhouse analysis#1 The computer analysis is clearly broken. Anyone know what is going on?
