
Search "user:Zubbubu"

228 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Short game - oops#1

General Chess Discussion - Do you adjust your play according to the opponent's rating?#11

@Le_Patzer83 Obviously if I thought they knew the correct reply I wouldn't play that move. So how can it be disrespectful if they have no idea that I'm deliberately playing an unsound move? And just t…

General Chess Discussion - Do you guys think En passant is kinda unfair?#11

I feel that checkmate is unfair. Frankly it's no way to treat a king. Even a harmless check is not very respectful, although one could just tolerate it. But checkmate? It's fundamentally wrong.

General Chess Discussion - Do you adjust your play according to the opponent's rating?#8

@jbseverinsen @Le_Patzer83 @MrPushwood @myoung11 @SOJB Most trap-setting moves are unsound, but they're fun when you suspect (based on opponent's rating) they will work. So far the better-rated player…

General Chess Discussion - Do you adjust your play according to the opponent's rating?#1

I'm sure it's a bad habit, but I play moves I know are unsound against lower level players because those moves usually work. But better players know the replies. Even when the weaker players figure ou…

General Chess Discussion - Why am I not seeing the analysis board?#3

@TejasJoshi10 I don't receive it when I click on it, and why do I no longer have the option at the end of my game?

General Chess Discussion - Why am I not seeing the analysis board?#1

Why am I not seeing the analysis board?

General Chess Discussion - Revenge against show-offs#1

Some people get cocky with a won game, and promote all their pawns, sometimes to knights. If they're too cocky they can accidentally draw, or in this case, lose. This isn't a case of promotion, but of…

General Chess Discussion - Bishop Pair or a Pawn? Which is more valuable (in general)?#2

It seems to me you have a better move: RhRe8.

General Chess Discussion - Why you should never resign#4

@Hung_The_Chessboy Indeed! @Orciety Haha, awful!
