
Search "user:EpicChessMaster999"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Main Plans In The Carlsbad Structure#2

Could you make similar articles on other common structures such as the marozy, hedgehog, etc?

Community Blog Discussions - How to Counter Caro Kann Defense?#14

I play the KIA against the French and Sicilian, used to do it against the caro but I didnt like the positions I got from it. Now I play the fantasy because I like the sharp tactical positions but I wo…

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Game of the Month: January 24#28

@Khiyarr said in #27: > Mofo youre elo isnt even that high ... Stop eating his meat bro Neither is yours, besides , is there anything wrong with having the same opinion as someone and making a light j…

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Game of the Month: January 24#7

@lovlas said in #4: > You need a really high IQ to appreciate this game. They're to used to GothamChess's 0 elo chess lol

Community Blog Discussions - Teach yourself to be a Resilient Tournament Player#6

I played in a otb tournament recently where I had won my first 4 rounds. On my 5th, I played someone a lot younger than me and got a good position where I had two options. Either I could stay solid or…
