
Search "user:Spinaltap"

59 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bughouse and Puzzle Rush#4

Bughouse on is laggy and bug ridden, no pun intended.

IM Spinaltap
Lichess Feedback - Bughouse and Puzzle Rush#1

ChessDoofus: If lichess gets bug and some equivalent of Puzzle Rush (which also exists on c24 sort of) there won't be any reason to play anything on anymore It's true my dudes.

IM Spinaltap
Crazyhouse World Championship - 2nd CWC Sign-Ups#92

Ima play hopefully my dude.

IM Spinaltap
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Off-Topic Discussion - What is Bitcoin? World's BEST 1-Minute Explanation#11

What gives a bit coin actual intrinsic value? Other than that somebody is willing to pay for them.

IM Spinaltap
Lichess Feedback - Seek doesn't do proper rating range.#2

It got so bad that I got temporary banned from seeking games.

IM Spinaltap
Lichess Feedback - Seek doesn't do proper rating range.#1

I seek 2300-3000 I get paired with 2000 and 2100 guys all the time.

IM Spinaltap