
Variant Idea: Planted King

Basically, this variant idea is the same as normal chess, but the king will be unable to move, NO MATTER WHAT. This means that even if you play with great offense or defense, your king is more important than ever.
First time I ever heard of that idea ... might be worth a try!
I doubt this will be added, but you could always play this way with a friend.

What about castling?
This seems like it would in some way be a forced win for white. Just after thinking about it for a minute. At least white would have a big advantage.
One would need to keep his king well guarded in the case of any checks. For most checks, two pieces (pawns included) would be necessary to prevent the king from moving, for example, if a bishop checks and I block with a knight, the bishop can simply take the knight with mate if there's not another piece protecting that square.

There would be great risk in the middle, and even in the opening; there would not be an end-game.
The issue isn't forced wins. The issue is _trivial_ or _solvable_ forced wins. FIDE chess is either a forced win for white or a draw; it just hasn't been solved because it's so complex. Antichess has a bunch of lines that are trivial to win or solved: 1. e4 and 1. d4 are simple forced losses for white, but most lines, even if a win, can not be easily fully calculated by humans on the fly. I would assume that this variant would have the same issues, though perhaps less so.

I think the idea is alright. I probably wouldn't play it though: seems almost like the opposite of some variants on this site (KOTH, anti, atomic), insomuch as that play would gravitate to excessively safe, defensive play, rather than chancy, aggressive play.
a variant in the variant is that one wins either by usual checkmate or by occupying the e1/e8 square (or even a square chosen at random on the 1st/8th rank).
who want to try this with me can just invite me in a casual game! :)

How do you know that FIDE chess it is not a forced win for black?

Yes, it is counter intuitive, but solving has nothing to do with intuition, rather it means giving a proof. As far as no proof is given, a forced win for black is a logical possibility.

In chess there are 10^42 - 10^46 legal positions ( the exact number is not known, but the lower bound of 10^42 and the upper bound of 10^46 is proven ). Storing bits on this order by Landauer's principle takes energy comparable to the total solar energy that Earth receives in a full year. The only known method to solve chess is to build a 32 men tablebase which requires storing that much bits. So by known methods the solution remains illusive. There are some who hope that AIs will be able to prove theormes about chess which can shortcut brute force search, but I personally don't belive in this.

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