
Poke for players

Can you please add poke for players? It's useless on Facebook but in chess it could be pretty helpful, dont you think? Like now for me.. i have an game going on and i am on the move but i want for example to offer a draw but my opponent play only games where his opponent moves, just a few people are checking the games where it's not their move and thes could be easy and funny way to send someone notification that something is going on or something like that :)
I'd like a poke option or even a timeout option for blitz and bullet so that players who think its cool to let their time run out when it's a lost position lose the game as a no-show. They don't teach how and when to resign in chess school, so for those people - this could be a way not to waste their opponent's time, who just out-played them.
They do teach how and when to resign in chess school, its basic etiquette, it just does not translate online.

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