
I stopped eating sugar and I started blundering ?!

Ok, very strange situation here. In the past few weeks I decided to lose some 4-5 kg in order to get my abs visible for the summer. So in order to keep my calories low, I stopped eating sweet stuff. Ever since I started the diet, my chess performance dropped like hell?! I lost almost 80 points and started blundering 4-5 times a game... Has anyone else experienced this ?
@gogoLSFC You have your ups and downs. Sometimes, you play horribly while other times, you play super well. This may just be coincidence.
That's because we're usually addicted to sugar. The body and brain comes to rely on it. It will take a while to adjust. Then you'll be better off. I had a similar experience when going plantbased and cutting sugar etc. I was really grumpy and felt mentally depleted for a week or so.
If I'm really hungry I tend to play more sharply, but I'll get more emotional if things don't go my way. Chess and dieting don't really go well together. Unless you're making yourself do 25 situps for each pawn you lose...
Agree with @SiddharthasGambit. Sugar definitely affects people’s minds and suddenly stopping eating it can mentally scramble you a bit, but it will pass if you keep going.
In fact, when I had stopped eating sugar I started getting pawns!
if it is caused by giving up sugar, and it's not 100% certain it is or isn't, I agree with others you'll adjust and be better off in the long term.

I wouldn't switch to artificial sweeteners, either, studies suggest those are as bad as sugar for weight gain, insulin resistance, inflammation, etc.

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