
How to get 1800 blitz and rapid

To achieve a rating of 1800 points in rapid chess and blitz, you need to devote time and effort to developing your chess skills. Despite the fact that I am not a professional, I can share some tips and recommendations that will help increase your rating.

1. Learning the basic principles of chess: The first step towards improving the ranking is to master the basic principles of chess. This includes the correct development of the pieces, control of the center of the board, the safety of the king and the creation of plans for effective play at different stages of the game.

2. Working out tactics: Fast chess and blitz often depend on tactics and the ability to detect combinations. Solve chess problems and tactical positions to develop your tactical vision and the ability to find winning moves.

3. Analyzing your own games: Pay attention to your mistakes, study your games with the help of computer programs or with the help of strong chess players. Analyze your weaknesses and work on improving them.

4. Mindfulness and concentration: In fast chess and blitz, quick reaction and good concentration are important. Develop mindfulness and practice quick decision-making.

5. Playing with strong opponents: To increase your level of play, regularly play against strong chess players. Playing with opponents who have a higher rating than yours will help you find out your weaknesses and fix them.

6. Participation in tournaments: Take part in local or online rapid chess and blitz tournaments. Tournaments provide an opportunity to play with different opponents and gain experience from each game.

7. Keep learning: Chess is an endless journey, and no matter what level of chess player you were, there is always something new to learn and improve.

Remember that achieving a rating of 1800 points is a process that takes time and effort. Practice, analysis and the pursuit of continuous improvement will help you achieve your goal.

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