
Your Question to GM WESLEY SO,related with chess

Who is your favorite chess player? Whose games do you enjoy watching? (except yourself :) )

How much time do you spend playing chess, studing chess, etc every day?

What is you chess guilty pleasure?
How do you deal with your fear? Your fears of a stronger opponent and of a loss?

Do you find that having hobbies other than chess improve your chess playing, or do you prefer to completely devote yourself to chess and nothing else?

What do you think about the rating system? Do you look and compare your rating to your opponent's before the game, or choose to ignore it completely?

How are the outcomes of the highest level games determined? Is it just by who slept more the night before? Who is able to be more intimidating? Who can think more clearly under pressure? Or some other factor?
Guys,We have over 20 questions to GM WESLEY SO at the moment,
If You want to ask him,write here but remember that question must be related with chess
1. Can we see you more here at Lichess?
2. How you split your time b/w OTB and online for practice?
3. Where do you feel home among the following for online:
a. ICC
b. Lichess
f. any other site
2 questions:
1) what is the critical line to analyse for black in najdorf Be3 Ng4 Bg5 line
2) main methods of fighting ruy mainlines/differences in structure/plans in breyer/chigourin/zaitsev
How do you prepare for a match against a much better opponent?
how we can progress in chess?
can you give us a method for trainning?

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