
Raise Your Rating by Cutting Your Losses

certainly excellent advice, playing when you don't feel like it and then losing overwhelmingly is certainly frustrating and not very motivating. Certainly to improve you need to deal with other topics too. Sometimes it makes me laugh like chess should be a stimulating game and enjoyable, when instead sometimes it becomes a reason to be stressed, it doesn't make sense right? In a certain sense it is also a shortcoming towards this incredible game. So I say it again, have fun and appreciate every game and every benefit. No champion has become such being forced to play, but only with his passion. My rating is also low, but I try not to notice and play for the fun of it, even if sometimes it's not always easy I try,only in this way I can improve and you too :)
I have an issue that is somehow the opposite of what have been described in this article.. I hate losing so much.. I study and practice but I play not as much as I'd prefer.. and when I lose the advantage or the game I feel miserable.. therefore, lately I've started to kind of forcing myself to play at least 1 rapid game daily or semi daily.. even if I'm not feeling like it, for the sole purpose of training myself to play more and shake the fear of losing away.. and when I'm talking to myself not to play, I immediately assume that I'm just making an excuse not to play because I'm afraid of losing..
my current rating is 1300 and I feel like I'm stronger than that and I want to play more.. but fear of losing prevents me from playing as much as I like to.

Great article.. thank you.
Quote :

"Have two profiles

Create a second profile.
With the first one, play only when you feel energized, your mood is super and your hand is shaking from the desire of playing chess."

This is a TOS violation. New low for GM and Held Avetik, with his recomandation: " how to get a better rating? just do fair play violations! "

GG WP...
@TurtleMat said in #4:
> Quote :

> This is a TOS violation. New low for GM and Held Avetik

Since he originally posted this like 6 months ago (unless that wasn't the first time either), it's not exactly new.
@TurtleMat said in #4:
> Quote :
> "Have two profiles
> Create a second profile.
> With the first one, play only when you feel energized, your mood is super and your hand is shaking from the desire of playing chess."
> This is a TOS violation. New low for GM and Held Avetik, with his recomandation: " how to get a better rating? just do fair play violations! "
> GG WP...

Or perhaps he means play on one site when you are energized ( and play the second profile when not ( Simple. No TOS violation. Another GM (that is a also a friend of Avetik) made the exact same recommendation but explicitly stating two sites. We should always assume the best. Cheers!
so my golden question dear Avetik is: did you achieve the title of GM by listening to your body and your mind? an athlete has matches regularly, at specific times. he is obliged to play there, even if he is an amateur who plays at regional level. yet the athlete must seek to give the best of himself at x time. that's the difference, he must find pleasure and motivation when we don't ask him, so he must be mentally ready and be able to give the maximum. this vision of chess that you give is in contradiction with your title, and it is not because you are retired that you should encourage hedonism.
What if you're playing a tournament? You can't just abort your games.
@Ahmed_Mansour You'll improve more by losing, than you will by not playing! Don't take losses personally (unless you make the mistake) & don't get down if an opponent outplays you, as even top level players can get whooped because the game is so complex.
Sounds good, except all my games are in tournaments and have to be arranged well in advance. I play for teams, and can't just chicken out.