
Refuse premoving

Hi ! I wonder if I am the only one who have always refused and will always refuse to use premove ? I will never think that premoving is chess, and especially here where you can premove as much as you want and not use any time at all. All premoves should, in my opinion, be at least 0,3 secs.
Since it is allowed I naturally respect all who use it, but I prefer to lose on time but I have still tried to play chess as good as I can.
Just play with increment, then premove loses its point.
All FIDE competitions are with premove nowadays.
Only lichess tournaments are without increment as if we were still in the century of analog clocks.
Hm, without being condescending , at which grounds do you think it is "not chess"?

Because the movement is not natural?
In that case you could expand your notion and say that online chess is not chess at all, unless we somehow mimic the movement of the piece with our arm or something. How much value do you give to the element of piece movement in chess? For me chess is about playing the right move, whether it is by hand, premoving or kicking the square at the park on the big board.

Or because you think every move should take time?
I think even without premoving , you basically have 2 options in fast time controls :
1) play a fast but suboptimal move
2) play a better move but sacrifice time thinking and playing it
With premoving , the notion is the same, you risk the premove with the potential reward of getting more time, so it seems it is a double edged sword in both scenarios. Of course, playing the only move is easier and a no-brainer to premove, but I hardly think this would affect the beauty of chess . If yes, I would then go further to say that bullet/blitz is then also destroying the beauty of it (of course I don't think it is, we had some very beautiful blitz and bullet games from top players that will remain historical)

All in all, I respect your choice not to use it , just trying to give you a different perspective.

All the best!
Reply to PinToWin !
Thanks for your answer ! I started playing at ICC in 1997 and became a manager there in 2003. I have managed over 11500 tourns there as SwedenForces. I have seen extremly many games where people just give away everything with premoving, to win on time. I have seen so many games where it is only rook vs roo´k and people premove like idiots to timewin. I have seen so many games with a pawn and opposite coloured bishops and dead draw, but people premove like idiots to timewin.
I noticed that people became worse chess players using premove since many didnt even try to play good moves, all was about winning on time.
So I am allergic to premoving !
I never run a tourn at ICC without inc, unless it is a scheduled 3 0 or so.
Here I mostly play 3 2, 5 3 or 10 2.
Yeah, I agree that most games on short time controls , especially without increment, in a lot of ways encourage the player to play for "flagging", instead of playing for a normal win . I have noticed in my play as well, shorter time controls , bullet and games without increment in general, hurt my classical chess quality and create bad habits. I would say these bad habits emerge not just because of premoves, but because of short time controls in general. If someone wants to improve in classical chess, I would definitely advise them to avoid shorter time controls, premove or not. But can't say it's not fun to play bullet! :)
If you just accept that bullet (or even blitz for the matter) is a complete different game than classical chess you wouldn't be disappointet.
If you accept that internetblitz is a different game than otb blitz you cannot be disappontet.

These things are just different games which happen to use the same board and pieces as regular chess.

A internet bullet game has as much in common as a classical otb chess game as american football and rugby.

Both are played on the same field using more or less the same ball and having the same goal. But strategy and even the rules are mostly different.
@BGW52 Premoving does not mean one does not try to play the best chess he/she can. Obvious moves can be premoved, like for example e4 c5 and i premove cxd4. Then, on d4 cxd4 i premove dxc3 - the Morra Gambit. That is just full usage of the available features.

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