
PLEASE add an option to opt-out of play against newly created accounts

90% of games now against new players are abusers / cheaters / smurfs.

Please allow us to opt-out of matching them, I can't play on this site anymore
That percentage is certainly wrong, please use to report accounts that you suspect of breaking the fair play rules.
Yes, I have just logged in for the first time to the forum to check this topic. There is a flurry of new accounts on both lichess and and I am finding those new accounts to be somewhat suspects indeed. Earlier today I played someone with no previous games who was way too quick and precise in bullet for a new player. I won on time by luck and experience but there is something going on with chess in general right now.
A Lichess Moderator said in #2:
> That percentage is certainly wrong, please use to report accounts that you suspect of breaking the fair play rules.

In case it wasn't clear, this is a feature request, not an inquiry about what to do about suspect accounts.
@dfn00b said in #4:
> In case it wasn't clear, this is a feature request, not an inquiry about what to do about suspect accounts.

it's a feature request that has been discussed several times, and that won't happen. playing new accounts is somewhat annoying to everyone, sharing that work between all of us makes most sense.
It would be interesting indeed to add option to show lobby seak only to players who played certain number of games. It would useful to classical games which are often chosen by new players and sorry to say but these games are often hard to play because of many reasons. Let potential cheaters and players with bad etiquete play firstly each other.
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@Michael2100 said in #3:
> Yes, I have just logged in for the first time to the forum to check this topic. There is a flurry of new accounts on both lichess and and I am finding those new accounts to be somewhat suspects indeed. Earlier today I played someone with no previous games who was way too quick and precise in bullet for a new player. I won on time by luck and experience but there is something going on with chess in general right now.
Yeah since went down so good players from are coming to lichess
@dfn00b said in #4:
> A Lichess Moderator said in #2:
> In case it wasn't clear, this is a feature request, not an inquiry about what to do about suspect accounts.

In case it wasn't clear, if the request is supported by a wrong premise, the request loses value.

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