
Suggestion/Discussion: Add client-side analysis

Sometimes the server-side analysis ("REQUEST A COMPUTER ANALYSIS" on the analysis board) takes quite some time, sometimes I don't want to start an analysis for my bullet games as I don't want to waste the general public resources.

These two reason make we wonder if it would be a good idea to introduce a client-side analysis that basically does the same, but performed by my own CPU.

Something is wrong with the Fishnet network
In other words: Fishnet is the system that people can donate processing to analyze matches
The computer analysis is not done by a single server, but by people donating their CPU. Your suggestion is already there: You can help out by adding your system to the above mentioned Fishnet network: . I do it myself and it is easy to set-up. You can choose when you want to provide your CPU-power or not. While running the .exe you can see what games your system is currently analysing, which is a good and interesting feature.
server analysis has gotten way slower in the past few days
@aescht said in #1:
> Sometimes the server-side analysis ("REQUEST A COMPUTER ANALYSIS" on the analysis board) takes quite some time, sometimes I don't want to start an analysis for my bullet games as I don't want to waste the general public resources.
> These two reason make we wonder if it would be a good idea to introduce a client-side analysis that basically does the same, but performed by my own CPU.
> Thoughts?

Problem is you would be need to take the whole fish system rework it alot to get it to work on a person device then people with slow devices will complain and gating it behind a benchmark would cause more problems and so on

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