
Ninja or Samurai?

Oh, if it is a draw, we will compete in a team battle!
@PcccR said in #30:
> Not really, plus what is spartans
Are you doubting the wisdom of Deadliest Warrior?!

Fie on you!
Fun fact (or at least a fact, even if not funny)

Ninjas wasn't the black clothing, hiding in the shadows, claiming up wall, rooftop assassins that we come to love through movies and video games (old Tenchu playstation games, you are sorely missed)

And samurais weren't all the warriors we see in old Japanese movies. It was an upper social class, within the feudal Japan society.

Might as well rephrase the title, and call it:
Mercenary/spy vs. an Accountant with a gym membership.
> Both useless up against an arthritic grandmother armed with an AK 47.
Try hitting in a smokescreen. Grandma!

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