
Why is Lichess not as popular as chess com??

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Glitz, glam, and the same reason Microsoft Windows didn't crash, burn, and die a horrible death: mindless sheeple.
If you want a serious answer, it is all to do with the domain name and marketing. I believe that is the most popular website by far only because they have bought the .com domain, which will appeal to the majority of the general public due to the simplicity of it.

Also, don't forget that due to the amount of members and subscriptions gets, they will have far more revenue than Lichess does and thus will dominate the online chess scene as they can invest in the most effective advertising/promotions (Mittens comes to mind) and obtain more staff through this to promote the game. Despite these impressive feats, they are still unable to keep their servers from crashing, so Lichess is still superior in every aspect.

Let's just hope the new chess players who have picked up chess as a result of the current chess boom don't flood the Lichess servers! advertises. They have to, because they are trying to make money. Lichess doesn't. They don't have to because it is a super awesome French guy's hobby. He gains nothing by having more people playing chess on his server. is a greedy corporate entity that blocks their content with paywalls, all while still not being able to properly maintain their own servers from crashing with all those budget. what a joke of a website, you can't even flip the board while playing live matches.
@stohrv said in #25:
> ks their content with paywalls, all while still not being able to properly maintain their own servers from crashing with all those budget. what a joke of a website,
I wouldnt be so harsh to them. They have business model opposite to lichess so it's natural if you're running business you want to get more money than less but it doesnt make you greedy from start. They're supporting pros with all these events which I'm totally not interested in. If ppl are willing to pay for playing there fine. I prefer lichess and for me it's popular enough to get a good game at any time
@ohcomeon_1 said in #20:
> Because of the only thing that does better than lichess: PR.

This is the biggest reason. It's not that chesscom does it better, it's that chwsscom has a lot more dollars to throw at it. Lichess on the other hand puts it's budget into actually being a good place to play chess.
Same as because Linux less popular than Windows.
Lichess <3
@Lestrae said in #28:
> Same as because Linux less popular than Windows.
> Lichess <3

Linux is less popular than windows for desktops and desktop related servers. But Linux is more popular than windows for phones, IoT, internet servers, clusters, mars helicopters, drones, routers, TVs, toasters, etc.'s goal is to make money through chess. Some of them might love chess, but their first and primary goal is to make money. They spend all day talking about how to reduce their competition, what feature will make them more money, what business tactic will make them more money, how to get more ad impressions, how to get higher paying ads, how to turn more free players into paying members, everything they do is about making more money.

lichess's goal is written down somewhere, in my words from my memory and understanding, the goal is to advance chess without ads, without member only areas and release the source code under a free software license. I guess the main way they try to advance chess is to make the best chess site they can that's free and open. all welcome. all equal. The better it is, the more people will hear about it and the further chess is advanced. But, go find and read their goals.

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