

I just wanted to express a level of frustration - as a frequent user of the site. And why tonight was very embarrassing.

I've noticed, a lot of disconnection issues on the site recently. The site has been going down a lot. And I was rolling with it. But then it just got worse...

Tonight I invited a friend to play on the site with me, and low and behold, the site had issues again. This was after I had just got done telling him how great the site was. He said how he would not play on it again.

I think the users of this site can only go so far, before they go somewhere else. But if it gets to the point where new users actually will not sign up, like my friend, I believe there is a problem.

So whatever it is, please fix it. I love the site, but now it is getting out of hand.


an avid user, KillerChewy
If you want to fix it, donate money to make the server better. There is no magic solution.
If the answer is more donations, will happily do my part as well as advertise personally. Has that been made clear that the issue is a lack of funding?
This is being worked on. Even if the crashes look the same, the cause have been different. Previous crashes has been taken care of, but new ones crop up now and then.

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