
Correspondence chess

Hi, I know computer assistance is not allowed. But how about for correspondence chess? Because I know that with correspondence chess sometimes people use computers and stuff. I can not post in Q&A section yet, that is why I ask here. If it is not allowed I will of course not use it. Thanks
From the Q&A section:

"3. Is it cheating if I use an opening book for correspondence games?

A: You may use an *opening book* for rated and/or unrated correspondence games. You can use a *book* and not a computer. Please let your opponent know that you are using a book - it's courteous. "

I am actually not sure if the stressing of the word "book" here is supposed to mean that you are only supposed to use physical books. On databases are okay too.

What is definitely not allowed is to let your position run through an engine like stockfish/houdini/rybka.
In casual games you can agree on things (like using databases/engines/advice from friends) with your opponent before the game starts. There are more rules for rated games.
I play mostly Correspondence games because of my internet connection and i don't cheat ever and nor do i want my opponents to cheat.
Please advice any players that you play against if you use any kind of computer help or books.
Thanks for asking & have fun!
Thanks for the many answers! So only opening book , and engines are not allowed. I like that! I will not use opening books either , it is more fun to study openings and try to play from memory like in a normal game. And if anyone suspects cheating they should report it. I hope people play fair , I will play fair for sure, I don't like cheaters.
lol, I have played against cheaters in correspondence, that is why my rating is so low.
I don't think it is good to play correspondence chess with computers. Yes, I know they use computers in the correspondence champioships, but we are amateurs, we want to get better and computers won't help us. We need to use our brains.

And I personally don't use books too. I mean, for example, if my opponnet starts with the french defense, I would'nt allow myself to check a book, to get a line of this defense. I could study it in other moments, but if this is being played, I will try to use my brain to find the good moves.
So is using an opening book during rated correspondence games cheating or not? ToS says yes while Q&A says no..

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