
Im ending this chess-year to be really pissed off. I offered draw 3 times in this unrated match

That game does not correspond to this game. There, you are right in saying that you basically have no way to lose that position

However in your game vs the gm,you blundered after your first and second draw offers?

so are you saying you knew that the game would end in a draw because of your "see the future" skills?
Clearly, you are not satisfied with any of the responses that we are giving you. If that is the case, why are you continuing to respond and try to disprove each of these comments?

Anyways, I won't continue to try to convince you otherwise of your opinion. Have a happy new year, regardless of how pissed you are at this gm!
@AuraZ0 said in #51:
> That game does not correspond to this game. There, you are right in saying that you basically have no way to lose that position
> However in your game vs the gm,you blundered after your first and second draw offers?
> so are you saying you knew that the game would end in a draw because of your "see the future" skills?
@AuraZ0 said in #52:
> Clearly, you are not satisfied with any of the responses that we are giving you. If that is the case, why are you continuing to respond and try to disprove each of these comments?
> Anyways, I won't continue to try to convince you otherwise of your opinion. Have a happy new year, regardless of how pissed you are at this gm!
Once again. A mistake or blunder doesnt mean automatically that you will lose the game.
I once demonstrated for myself, as an experiment - from move 1 - to saq several pieces, and try to deliver mate with queen saq. I did it, and i won. But i couldnt do it if i didnt get those lines, plus that my opponent were'nt greedy and blind at the same time. In the game it was much play for both of us. I played against a female titled player. I got 2 mistakes and 2 blunders in the game. But i felt it was much more mistakes and blunders in the game by my play. Chess is a psycological warfare...
Chess is not all about positional play for any case...want me to look at all of your'e games and find wins with less than example 97% accuracy, and critizise your'e play? It doesnt work like this. I wasnt pissed at the GM because he declined my draw for first or second time, but when he rejected my third drawoffer, at the end.
Happy new year to you too.
There are only one person so far who can see this picture and are right, that is @CSKA_Moscou
This is all about the GM's ego. Example, the GM said i played strongly...
It can compared to this: imagine im playing your'e littlebrother, who are huuge underdog to win against me, in a unrated match. I wanted to test me against him. Your'e littlebrother played well in the opening, in fact all phases - opening - middlegame - endgame. Your'e littlebrother offered draw 3 times against me, and i declined it every time, because i wanted to convince in front of him, you and everyone that im much better and im gonna win. i have an idea to win against your'e littlebrother who are the huuge underdog....that is brilliant - i can flag him, yeah i can flag him.
Yes i won, in equal position. Im good, huh?
Who's the dickhead? This is all about HUUUGE ego!! Nothing else!
@Devil_fish said in #56:
> There are only one person so far who can see this picture and are right, that is @CSKA_Moscou
> This is all about the GM's ego. Example, the GM said i played strongly...
> It can compared to this: imagine im playing your'e littlebrother, who are huuge underdog to win against me, in a unrated match. I wanted to test me against him. Your'e littlebrother played well in the opening, in fact all phases - opening - middlegame - endgame. Your'e littlebrother offered draw 3 times against me, and i declined it every time, because i wanted to convince in front of him, you and everyone that im much better and im gonna win.
> i have an idea to win against your'e littlebrother who are the huuge underdog....that is brilliant - i can flag him, yeah i can flag him.
> Yes i won, in equal position. Im good, huh?
> Who's the dickhead? This is all about HUUUGE ego!! Nothing else!

If in the next few days you face any master and the master doesn't have much time left on the clock and the position is drawn, you know what to do: Karma. other people's egos are bad, never yours, because yours is always good for your motivation and your confidence! Good Luck!
It's not that deep bro. It's just a game of chess. Chess is about having fun. That's why it's called a game. I think you need to chill out and not make such a drama about such a small game.

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