IM Gorbaev Lichess coach picture

IM Dusan Jovanovic

"I always felt sorry for people who don'n know how to play chess, because chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy." Siegbert Tarrasch

LocationKragujevac Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Српски језик, Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 2380259325862241
Hourly ratelesson: 25 euros (27 dollars)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

My name is Jovanovic Dusan and I am an International Master from Serbia. My current FIDE Elo is 2404.
I started playing chess at the age of 12, and won the candidate master title at 14. During my youth I have won several championships for young players in Serbia. For some time (from 2001 until 2012) I stopped playing active chess. During these years I was mainly focusing on my studies and artistic career. From 2012 chess becomes my main occupation (again).
I'm offering lessons for players up to 2300 elo. I can coach all aspects of the game, but my specialities are middle game, positional play and unorthodox openings, or finding ways to avoid opening mainlines. I also teach Fisher random chess (chess 960) and game analysis. I'm working for the well-known First Saturday tournament series by providing them with game analyses monthly.
Lessons are in English and Serbo-Croatian.
Feel free to contact me via skype (jovanovicdusand) or by email even if we don't make an arrangement, I could give you some free advice.
Price is: 1 hour - 25 euros (or 30 dollars) lessons are via skype.
I am also available for blitz games and game analyses. 1 hour - 15euros

Playing experience

Beside junior championships I have won a couple of closed tournaments:
1st Kragujevac championship 2013.
1st Kragujevac IM tournament 2014.
Twice 1st on First Saturday IM in Budapest 2015.
1st Budapest Sarkany IM 2015
1st Belgrade Summer open 2018.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching chess for the last 5 years. I worked with children as well as with adults.

Other experiences

I have written several articles and drama plays, my historical novel has been published in 2011, and I have made several art performances and short movies. Besides I have great interest in chess history and chess in art.

Best skills

My specialities are middle game, positional play and unorthodox openings, or finding ways to avoid opening mainlines. I also teach Fisher random chess (chess 960) and game analysis.

Teaching methodology

I am trying to aproach every student individually according to their needs, but there are some universal things that I stick to:
1. Understanding of a position (no matter if it’s an opening, middlegame or endgame) and that means typical ideas, tactical motives, weaknesses and strenghts which the position offered.
2. Combining positional ideas with tactical motives.
3. Finding opening variations that suites the player’s style, and (s)he feels comfortable with.
4. Analyses of the student’s games are of great importance because mistakes have a habit of repeating themselves!
5. I also provide students with working material and homework.